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Yes! We have a monocular!

Be sure to checkout our new 384M-15 monocular.

An ideal entry level thermal that delivers great performance & value. $1499.00. FREE DELIVERY. 

Thermal sensor resolution. What you need to know!

Watch this video and you will be better informed than many self procalimed thermal experts. Paul Alisauskas, FYRLYT's lead thermal designer, offers a key insight that clears up common confusion about thermal sensor resolution. His expertise highlights a critical point: Thermal sensor size DOES NOT dictate thermal sensor resolution.


Understanding this is crucial because people easily misunderstand what's truly important in thermal imaging. This knowledge can actually save you thousands of dollars by helping you avoid overpaying for unnecessary features based on size misconceptions. FYRLYT wants to give you the real facts, based on science, so you can check for yourself and make smart choices for your specific needs.

FTV 640 Thermal Camera System.

Need to monitor thousands of hectares effectively day and night? Feral animals, livestock, assets, trespassers & perimeter security? There is no system that comes close to the FYRLYT FTV-640 THERMAL SYSTEM integrated with the HELLFYR 12000 SPOTLIGHT & FYRSTIK. The only system designed and made in Australia. You talk DIRECT with the design team with a level of unparalleled customer support and obligation free advice. Remember you can build the system from the HELLFYR and FYRSTIK. Every component and part is available with no price gouging for a lifetime of as new performance.


Adapting a monocular for remote use? Talk to us first.

We are receiving calls from people who were sold monoculars with big promises of connecting to a tablet and using with a spotlight only to find out they do not have the functionality/stability they had assumed. Worse they are left to work out problems for themselves. A typical reseller often has no actual technical design experience or manufacturing insight. Just using a product or selling a brand name does not give you this expertise. A good quality monocular is fine for its intended purpose as a carrying device however mounting remotely on the roof of a vehicle is often problematic. The ideal solution to cover all working scenarios is to still retain a thermal monocular on foot if you have to exit the vehicle. We are happy to discuss and assist you arrive at what best suits your requirements. If we do not think an FTV system is ideal or warranted we will say so.



FTV-640 CAMERA SYSTEM (camera/mount/tablet with loaded software/cables/hard case) - $6750 AUD

FTV POWER MODULE - Allows RF remote independent ON/OFF of thermal camera and spotlight - $350 AUD

FTV HELLFYR MOUNTING BRACKET - Allows seamless integration of camera to HELLFYR in seconds - $200 AUD


Advantages over an adapted monocular.

Being purpose designed, the FTV system offers significant advantages over an adapted 'thermal' monocular. Central to this is the FTV POWER MANAGEMENT MODULE and independent switching of the camera or spotlight. This means NO WIRE WRAP UP from power or data feed cables from the remote through the roof cavity. The FTV WIFI delivers sustained data rates (5G 390 Mbps) beyond typical monocular devices especially for long sustained use. Nothing will frustrate a professional user more than having the LIVE VIDEO FEED repeatedly freeze, suffer latency and in a worse case require a lengthy system reboot. The FTV system is designed to be a solid reliable working tool. 

The FTV design team. Right here in Australia.

We are the only Australian designer and manufacturer of a thermal camera system for this market sector. You are not dealing with a reseller or salespeople. This offers a unique level of owner support we believe is important for working professionals and keen enthusiasts willing to invest in this relatively new technology.


High quality European sensor.

The FTV camera utilises a 640 European designed and manufactured thermal sensor. (Not made in China). We have designed and manufactured the camera body with full assembly here in Australia at FYRLYT. This is not a generic thermal camera.


Wifi to tablet. The FTV 'GUI'. Powerful. Stable. Intuitive.

Utilising a supplied pre configured android tablet, the GUI (graphic user interface) has been designed considering what a professional user needs. No gimmicks and complicated menus that end up being more video game like than a professional tool. 

FTV's 5g 5G 390 Mbps wifi! Fast. Stable. No cables.

This is where the FTV is a quantum leap due to deliberate design decisions made during development. Nothing defeats usability of a thermal imaging device quicker than dropped frames, inadequate fps and delayed response times, especially moving objects in a surveillance scenario. We have eliminated the need to run a USB/DATA cable physically to the tablet. This gives you the option to place the tablet anywhere in the cab or even remove the tablet from the vehicle and continue observation remotely. Again. No wire wrap up and potential disconnection/broken cable.

Mounting & integration options.

The FTV can be used as a standalone camera with a remote control handle and in conjunction with other spotlights. It integrates seamlessly with the HELLFYR 12000 or SPOTFYR 12000 spotlights. We have designed the mount using the industry standard of a quick release heavy duty Arca type clamp with locking lever for peace of mind. This all sits perfectly on a FYRSTIK remote control or sitting above a HELLFYR 12000/SPOTFYR 12000 spotlight with its own integrated bracket assembly that installs in seconds. (Bracket is available for existing HELLFYR/SPOTFYR owners.)

The use of a white light spotlight with thermal?

The use of a 'WHITE' light device does not effect the thermal image. The thermal camera is used independently. This is where some people maybe initially confused as to why we have developed this dual mode system. Thermal image sensors excel at detection but are not the ultimate answer for object or environmental detail especially at distance. They create a very flat image with little sense of depth and depending on environment, object separation. This is why a quality white light source as part of the FTV 'system' delivers a superior result beyond any thermal standalone sensor especially validating backdrops or potential hazards/objects of interest. (Especially when viewed via a quality secondary optical device.)

Does an IR spotlight increase distance or offer any benefit?

No it does not and is a common misconception. The image you see is what is reflected back from the objects thermal signature. This can change in seconds due to movement behind objects or blending with a background or surrounds of same thermal profile. What you project forward with any light source has ZERO effect. A more technical answer is this. A thermal camera operates by detecting heat radiation emitted by objects and creating a thermal image. IR (infrared) lights produce IR radiation which is not visible to the human eye but can be detected by a thermal camera. However, the IR light produced by an IR spotlight is not the same as the heat radiation emitted by objects, it only illuminates the scene, making it easier to see. In other words, the IR spotlight irradiates the scene with additional IR light, but it does not change the radiation emitted by objects, which is what the thermal camera is detecting. To get the best results from a thermal camera, it's important to minimise any additional IR radiation that could interfere with the image, such as from an IR spotlight.


 FTV 640 camera specifications:

  • Robust all aluminium CNC machined housing, purpose designed for external mounting to a spotlight and integration with HELLFYR or SPOTFYR and generic spotlight systems (mounting kit sold separately).


  • European sensor 640 x 480, <30mK, 17um, 8-14um wavelength range sensor for long range detection, 50Hz.


  • Germanium 50mm F1.0 lens with 12.5 deg x 9.4 deg field of view.

  • Camera body dimensions: 165mm (L) x 75mm (H) x 62mm (W)

  • Quick release 'Arca' type clamp mounting system (lockable) supplied with camera for quick and easy removal.


  • Fast WIFI link running up to 390Mbps delivering low levels of WIFI lag giving exceptional near real time stable streaming of video to tablet. This eliminates use of a data cable into the vehicle thus avoiding potential cable wrap up and disconnection.


  • Wireless connection of both power and WIFI video streaming via FYRSTIK POWER MODULE so camera can be rotated in any given direction without cable wrap up. No cables through roof.


  • Low profile mounting design to minimise felt weight on remote control handle, minimising user effort


  • Comes standard with a high quality SAMSUNG A7 Android tablet pre-configured with the FTV APP software ready to use for quick and simple installation. Simply power up and you are streaming.


  • Designed and built in Australia by FYRLYT. Local support direct from the design team.

  • Simple to use intuitive graphical user interface “GUI" that can be hidden for full screen streaming with both manual and automatic options of key settings for simple and quick operation. 


  • One touch hot keys for Video recording, JPEG image capture, Toggling between black and white hot and Non uniformity correction (NUC). 


  • 14 colour palettes including black and white hot. (BLACK HOT/WHITE HOT


  • Balanced to integrate with HELLFYR and FYRSTIK to minimise felt weight and to maintain light and camera position with low levels of friction on locking system. 


  • Can be used with any spotlight and remote handle (subject to mounting bracket availability). 


  • Runs on 12V or 24V systems with FTV POWER MODULE.

Why we chose a Germanium lens.

The FTV-640 features a premium 50mm F1.0 Germanium lens. Germanium, a semiconductor material, when used in lens construction is known for high transmission of infrared radiation. They allow more infrared light to pass through, resulting in clearer and more detailed thermal images and are able to operate at a wide range of temperatures. They are very durable and have superior performance in extreme temperatures. High-performance Germanium lenses are relatively more expensive than Silicon and Sapphire lenses.

How a thermal camera works compared to a regular digital camera/device.

A thermal camera, also known as an infrared camera, captures the infrared radiation emitted by objects to create an image, whereas a normal camera captures visible light to create an image/video.


Thermal cameras work by detecting the infrared radiation, or heat, that is emitted by all objects above absolute zero (-273.15°C) and converting that into an electrical signal, which is then processed by the camera's sensor and used to create a thermal image.


The image produced by a thermal camera shows the temperature variations across an image by using different shades of colour to indicate different temperature ranges. Using a WHITE HOT colour palette, the image will show warmer objects in lighter colours and cooler objects in darker colours. Conversely, using a BLACK HOT setting will show warmer colours as darker and cooler objects as lighter. Other palette variations apply the same principle of correlating a colour to a temperature range.


Normal digital cameras, on the other hand, use a lens to focus the visible light onto a sensor, (CCD or CMOS) which captures the light and convert it into an electrical signal that can be processed and stored as an image/video.

Thermal camera specifications explained.


  • PIXEL RESOLUTION: The number of pixels in the detector determines the camera's ability to resolve fine details. The higher the resolution, the more detailed the image will be.


  • THERMAL SENSITIVITY (NETD): The thermal sensitivity, or noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD), is a measure of the camera's ability to detect small temperature differences. The lower the NETD, the better the camera's ability to resolve fine details. NETD is typically measured in millikelvins (mK).


  • FIELD OF VIEW (FOV): The field of view (FOV) is the angle of the camera's detector. A larger FOV allows the camera to capture more of the scene, but it can also result in a lower spatial resolution.


  • SPATIAL RESOLUTION: The spatial resolution is a measure of the camera's ability to resolve fine details in the scene. It can be calculated using the following formula: Spatial resolution = FOV / Pixel resolution.


  • REFRESH RATE: The refresh rate of a thermal camera is the number of times per second that the camera updates its image. A higher refresh rate means that the camera can capture fast-moving objects or events more effectively, but it also increases the overall data rate of the camera.


  • SPECTRAL RANGE: The spectral range is the range of wavelengths of infrared radiation that a thermal camera can detect. Long-wave infrared cameras (LWIR) typically have a spectral range of 7-14 micrometers, while short-wave infrared cameras (SWIR) typically have a spectral range of 1-2 micrometers. Long-wave infrared cameras are better for imaging at longer distances, while short-wave infrared cameras are better for imaging small details.


What you need to know about detection distance claims.

There is a lot of misinformation in the marketing of thermal imaging devices and their capabilities to detect objects at vast distances. If you apply some basic critical thinking you can soon spot the hype over realistic claims. We see examples often over exaggerating distance claims by 200% or more and we tell you what to look for. We deep dive into the science HERE.

What are the best conditions to use a thermal camera?

This depends on the specific use case and the type of camera being used. Here are some factors that can make thermal cameras more effective for object location and surveillance. There are weather conditions including humidity that can compromise any thermal camera regardless of price in seconds:


  • LOW-LIGHT OR NO-LIGHT CONDITIONS: Thermal cameras rely on the thermal energy emitted by objects to create an image, so they are particularly useful in low-light or no-light conditions where visible-light cameras would be ineffective.


  • TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS: Thermal cameras detect temperature differences, so objects or surfaces that have a significantly different temperature than their surroundings will be more visible in a thermal image. This makes thermal cameras well-suited for identifying hot or cold spots, and for detecting heat signatures through smoke, fog, or other visibility-reducing conditions.


  • MOVING OBJECTS: Thermal cameras can be particularly useful for detecting moving objects because they can detect the temperature differences that are caused by the movement.


  • DAY/NIGHT TIME SURVEILLANCE: Thermal cameras can detect the heat signatures of people, vehicles and animals at day or night, even in complete darkness or when purposely attempting concealment but leaving any part exposed in relation to the sensor.


​It is worth noting that, as with any camera technology, thermal cameras have their own limitations and there are situations where other types of cameras might be more appropriate. Also, in order to get the best results, it is important to match the thermal camera to the specific use case, and understand its capabilities and limitations.



Image decay? It's about distance.

The image decay rules for all thermal cameras describe how the image quality degrades with an increase in distance from the object being imaged. There are several factors that contribute to the image decay of thermal cameras, including:


  • INVERSE SQUARE LAW: As mentioned, this states that the intensity of energy decreases with the square of the distance. This means that if the distance between the object and the thermal camera is doubled, the intensity of the energy received by the detector will be one-fourth of the original intensity.


  • OPTICAL BLUR: As the distance between the object and the thermal camera increases, the image can become blurred due to the spreading of the energy from the object as it travels through the atmosphere and the lens optics of the thermal camera.


  • DIFFRACTION: Diffraction is a phenomenon that occurs when light waves bend around an object and it can create a decrease in resolution and a loss of sharpness in the image.


  • ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS: The atmospheric conditions such as humidity, temperature, and particulate matter can cause image degradation due to absorption and scatter. An example is literally in seconds your image can be great to virtually unusable. This is not a fault of the camera regardless of brand or cost it is an accepted limitation.


All these factors will contribute to image decay, meaning that the quality of the image will decrease as the distance between the object and the camera increases, resulting in a decrease in resolution, an increase in noise and a decrease in contrast.

The VIDEO HERE shows a human figure at set distances at 1.0X magnification to show the effect. As with all thermal imaging the image can vary depending on conditions of the environment and object.

The ethical & practical considerations of thermal imaging.

Thermal cameras images often have lower resolution and less detail than visible light images. A high quality white light spotlight can be used to enhance and confirm the identity of an object and provide more detailed information about its background and provide a more accurate assessment. There are many scenarios that a thermal camera especially as distance increases just cannot provide this detail regardless of price. This should raise ethical and responsibility considerations by the user.


Thermal camera 'FOV' versus visible light cameras.

The field of view (FOV) of a thermal camera lens is not necessarily the same as that of a traditional visible light camera lens, even if they have the same focal length. This is because the size of the image sensor in the camera and the lens design can also affect the FOV. Thermal cameras often use smaller sensors than traditional visible light cameras, which can result in a narrower FOV for the same focal length lens. Additionally, the optics in thermal cameras are often designed to focus infrared energy onto the sensor, rather than visible light, which can also affect the FOV. In summary, the FOV of a thermal camera lens is not directly comparable to a traditional visible light camera lens. Even if they have the same focal length, the sensor size and lens design can affect the FOV.

Anti-Poaching - FTV's advantages.

Thermal cameras can also be used in conjunction with other technologies, such as white light spotlights, to provide a more complete and accurate picture of the animals and the environment. This can be especially useful for monitoring and tracking specific animals or groups of animals, as well as for identifying potential poachers or other threats.


The vital work conducted by anti-poaching organisations is ever increasing. The ability to effectively monitor vast areas of terrain is paramount to ensure asset protection and conservation objectives. The FTV with its vehicle mounted design features a number of specific advantages. When integrated with the FYRSTIK REMOTE CONTROL HANDLE and FTV POWER MODULE the camera can be rotated 360 degrees continuously without any wire wrap up (possible disconnection that has been the weakness of all other remote handle systems. This is due to to PATENT PENDING wireless power feed, a FYRLYT innovation.

The use of a tactile remote handle gives immediate user orientation of where the camera is pointing which is an inherent disadvantage in current motorised joystick or touch pad alternatives. The user is able to communicate immediately with others where in relation to the vehicle to focus prior to action whilst being 100% covert. When paired with the HELLFYR 12000 SPOTLIGHT the operator can immediately switch to an immensely powerful spotlight to reveal maximum detail at vast distances especially if viewed with a quality secondary optical device. This can also be an effective passive deterrent to targets being aware they have been located. At closer range the light provides a level of disorientation due to its intensity.


The HELLFYR is superior to any LED or HID spotlight especially in dust, smoke or moisture laden air due to its longer wavelength of light. This is known as the TYNDALL effect and a basic scientific principle which forms the basis of all FYRLYT lighting designs. 

The FTV user interface on the supplied tablet is designed to be quickly intuitive and within a single session become second nature so the focus is on the task at hand not the equipment or unnecessary gimmicks. Video and still image capture is instant with an always visible LARGE ICON for each function.

Anti-Poaching and wildlife conservation groups are invited to correspond and purchase direct from FYRLYT. We will free freight any FTV system or lights to any location. Please ask any questions obligation free via chat/email or request a call back at a nominated local time in your region. FYRLYT is here to assist you and your organisation.

FTV callback
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